Blanket the Homeless wishes to highlight
the following resources:
Blanket the Homeless is proud to announce that we are now in partnership with Harm Reduction Therapy Center, a 501(c)(3) that, since 2018, has been providing integrated mental health care and substance use treatment to San Francisco’s houseless community. HRTC’s mission is in perfect alliance with ours and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be working with them.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco was established in 1860. The purpose of the Society is to help the most vulnerable in the community become as self-sufficient as possible. SVDP-SF helps over 1,000 people in San Francisco every day, including those suffering from poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, and domestic violence. They are now working in partnership with Blanket The Homeless to further extend the services they offer.
Since 1984, Larkin Street Youth Services has helped over 75,000 young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, ages 12 to 24, through a range of services including outreach, shelter, housing, health, wellness, education and employment.
As the largest non-profit provider of services for young people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco, Larkin Street’s scope and impact is incomparable: three out of four young people who complete programs at Larkin Street leave street life behind.
Compass Family Services leads the way in helping San Francisco families facing homelessness secure stable housing and attain economic self-sufficiency and family well-being. Compass Family Services have been service innovators for more than 100 years, and more than 90% of the families we house achieve lasting success.
The mission of Raphael House is to help at-risk families achieve stable housing and financial independence while strengthening family bonds and personal dignity.
Since 1971, Raphael House has been at the forefront of providing homeless and low-income families in the San Francisco Bay Area the personalized family-centered solutions they need to build brighter futures. Raphael House is a 100% privately funded and community-supported organization. Their success rate is unmatched: more than 85% of all Raphael House families go on to achieve long-term housing and financial stability.
This Blanket The Homeless Resource Guide is included in every care package that we hand out. It provides the names, addresses, and contact information for facilities in San Francisco offering food, shelter, medical, legal, and other services. (Our sincere thanks to Carla Laser, St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco and Ariel D. Preciado for their help in developing this resource.)
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